Lessons from the farmer’s market

You Need A Strong Brand

It’s a beautiful sunny day, and you decide to explore a new farmers market. Strolling from booth to booth, you take in all of the captivating sights, smells, and sounds that help create a lovely shopping experience. There are so many fresh and local products available that it’s hard to choose from. If you’re at one of your favorite farmers markets, you know exactly where to go and which booths you like (and probably hit the same ones over and over). But, what about when visiting a new market?

How do you choose?

You need some delicious summer tomatoes, but there are literally 15 stands selling tomatoes. Where do you begin? The likely starting point is the appearance of the tomatoes as you walk by. Do they look fresh, interesting (not the boring beefsteak), and colorful? And what about the booth? Is it visually appealing? It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should be tidy and clean (as far as clean goes at an outdoor market) and have some information about the farm. Perhaps they are offering slices to taste (that works every time). You decide to stop, and yes, this stand passes the first test: visual appeal and taste.


What is the story they are telling?

You begin chatting with the person working the booth. Now it’s time to see what they have to say. Can they explain the various types of tomatoes? Do they know when they were picked? What makes their tomatoes different? Are they organic? Maybe it’s an heirloom type that no one else has. Most vendors are quick to share this information and a lot more with you because they are proud of the farm they own or represent. If they get this part right, you’ll definitely want to buy from this stand. So, keep in mind that the reasons to purchase are not always tangible. Yes, the look, taste, and price count very much, but so too does their story. Touching on both the rational and emotional reasons to purchase are at the heart of brand storytelling. And, if they don’t get it right, you will likely move to the next stand. Afterall, there are 15 stands of tomatoes to choose from!


It’s not just for tomatoes

The example here is buying tomatoes at a farmers market, and it’s a simple one. However, this scenario can be anywhere and anything, and applies to your business as well. How your business appears to others and what you say is telling. There are many other brands like yours out there offering what you do, and you need to help potential buyers choose you. It’s all about building a strong brand. “How do I do that?” you ask.

1.     Create a brand platform (mission, vision, values, story, promise, positioning, personality, and voice). You might not need all of these. The components will vary based on the complexity and size of your business. Thinking of these and taking the time to write them out is a valuable exercise.

2.     Design your visual identity to match your brand platform. Or, update your visual identity (logo, colors, fonts, etc.) to better align with your brand.

3.     Write messaging that resonates with your target audience – and is different than your competition. Use your brand platform as a guide and be sure there is an emotional component to it.

4.     Share your message through the channels that work for your audience. It’s key to be where they are, when they are there.

It doesn’t matter if it’s tomatoes, marketing services, medical devices, or anything else, you still need a strong brand. Implement these steps or some version of them, and your tomatoes will be well-chosen.


Your most important brand asset


The power of focusing