What’s going on?

Unprecedented. Couldn’t imagine it. WTF? Can we have a redo? All good ways to describe 2020 and 2021

The common theme across all descriptors is simply that things have changed.
The economy has changed. How purchase decisions are being made have changed. How we work has changed. Brand preferences have changed. Competitors are adapting – changing. It’s time to re-evaluate your brand during this time of change. If you don’t, you risk being left behind, or not recovering as quickly as possible. 

Your brand is the sum of all your client experiences.  

Assessing your brand comes down to determining the value of what your customers feel and think about your products and services vs. what you believe.  
Your brand check-up should include the review of several things. Have your team answer the questions below. Then huddle around the old Zoom campfire and see what they say. The answers may surprise you.

  • How has the business changed in the past year? 

  • Do your mission, vision, and values still support the direction of the company?

  • How is employee engagement? 

  • Is your brand message consistent across channels?

  • Is your message clear and concise?

  • What do your competitors look like? How are you differentiated?

  • What do customers/prospects say about you and your competition? Is this what you want them to say?

Each of these contribute to the health of your brand. When something isn’t aligned, your brand is at risk. When your brand is at risk, so is the success of your organization. 

What now?  

Once you’ve determined the health of your brand you can determine where you want to be and create a plan to get there.
Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result – well, as the saying goes, that’s the definition of insanity. It’s time to find out whether your brand is healthy today. Brand health = brand wealth.


Strategic Planning


Don’t be tone-deaf with your messaging